Kurikulum 2013 Smp
The national education goals have not been achieved because of depraved morality and education materials that emphasize cognitive, and affective aspects of the exclusion of the curriculum psikomotorik. Curriculum inovation will be a solution to the problems by launching a new curriculum. This research was conducted to determine the responses and readiness of Islamic education teachers curriculum in 2013 on Islamic Education.This research is qualitative. The subjects of this research were Islamic Education teachers of class VII. Data collection is done by conducting observations, in-depth interviews, and the data documentation. Then the data were analyzed by giving meaning to the data collected, and the conclusions drawn from the meaning that is to prepare the work for responses and the readiness of Islamic education teachers in SMP N 5 Yogyakarta. The data were validated by using a triangulation technique and the extension of participation in the study.The results showed: 1) the implementation of the 2013 curriculum of Islamic Education in SMP N 5 Yogyakarta otherwise has been running well. 2) the response of Islamic education teacher class VII as one of the teachers who is implementing Curriculum 2013 is very supportive, 3) the readiness of PAI teachers at SMP N 5 Yogyakarta on the use of the curriculum in 2013 which consisted of professional readiness, and teacher pedagogical readiness against the imposition of Islamic education curriculum in 2013 declared ready.
Untuk Download Buku Guru dan siswa Kelas 9 SMP Kurikulum 2013 revisi 2018 terbaru ini sangat mudah, rekan-rekan semua tinggal klik link download buku yang sudah admin sediakan. Setelah itu klik visit link pada link download Buku K13 edisi 2018. RPP PAI SMP Kurikulum 2013 - RPP PAI SMP dapat anda download pada blog ini secara gratis.Selain Silabus dan RPP SMP Kurikulum 2013 juga dilengkapi dengan Perangkat Pembelajaran Kurikulum 2013 SMP lainnya khususnya perangkat guru PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti/ PAIBD) seperti KI-KD PAI, Silabus PAI, Program Tahunan PAI, Program Semester PAI, Format KKM PAI, dan lain sebagainya. Amazon.com: Matematika Kelas VIII-1 SMP/MTs (Kurikulum 2013) (Indonesian Edition) (661): Asih Triyanti S.Pd: Books.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23917/warta.v19i2.2755Abstract
kill about using LEGO in mathematics teaching and learning to mathematics teachers. This conducted into three stages of training and two stages of real teaching. The stages of the training were introducing the use of LEGO in mathematics teaching and learning, designing sets of teaching and learning activities using LEGO as the media, and peer teaching. The real teaching conducted in two stages of three meetings for each stages. Twelve mathematics teachers from five schools of Muhammadiyah in Surakarta were participated in this training. The teachers have technically trained with new experiences using LEGO as media in mathematics learning and have developed five sets of lesson plans for the topics of fractions, sets, proportion, linear equation with one variable, and statistics. The real teaching for the topic of fractions was conducted in two of those five schools. The results indicate the learning activities designed support students understanding and attitude in mathematics.
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PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)References
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